Is your door lock worth more to you than the metal it is made from? Most of us would answer "yes" and be grateful for the lock. Can business security solutions deliver both peace of mind and protection while being engineered to stay in front of the newest trends and ... Read More
Clarus Communications Blog
October 16, 2015Tommi
The question remains in the minds of many businesses and internet users,
What does internet service providers (ISP) actually do? How does this hosting company connect to the www and why can't we mortals do that directly ... IP to IP?
The answer is, it gets really complicated. For one thing, the ... Read More
October 16, 2015Tommi
Companies today run on software. The hardware available is certainly terrific and can provide all of the capabilities needed but it is the software that adds all of the functionality, customization, and customer-specific response that is attracting customers. Lisa Morgan published a flexible software licensing article in the Buyer's Guide on ... Read More
October 16, 2015Tommi
Conferencing on the web refers to a range of activities involving communicating live audio and video from one communicator to a number of others who receive the communication.
Often used for education purposes, web conferencing can include "webinars" which are video seminars or interactional training sessions that resemble lecture/demonstrations and where in ... Read More
October 16, 2015Tommi
While choosing your business software was at one time as simple as finding the best product and buying it for a one-time fee, the realities of the increasingly dominant software-as-a-service business model as well as the necessity of live-updates to counter growing cybersecurity threats has created the administrative nightmare of business software licensing that ... Read More
October 16, 2015Tommi
Work meetings can be such a drag. You are forced to sit in a conference room listening to the VP of something talk on and on about statistics that mean absolutely nothing to you. You could be back at your desk, getting some actual work done, not wasting time - ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
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Keeping your company's data secure is necessary in today's world filled with hackers and other parties that are trying to access corporate data for their own benefit. And the best way to keep your data secure is by utilizing an off-site storage location. These sites provide off-site business storage ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
Buyers are less satisfied with their internet services, and consumer satisfaction with internet service providers is at its lowest mark in seven years, according to a new report from the American Customers Satisfaction Index. The report shows that satisfaction levels with information services (including TV, internet, and wireless access) dropped by 3.4 percent for ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
When it's time to manage business utilities, there are things that you should do, and here they are:
First: Turn off unused electronics and unplug them. Just because the device is turned off does not mean that it is not using electricity. When done working for the day, utility bills can be ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
When it comes to choosing next generation storage solutions there is no lack of options in the market and acronyms to go with it: SAN, NAS, Flash Array, etc. How do you determine the best option for your organization? How do you balance cost/value versus performance? Will the next generation storage solution you ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
Businesses need the best information on storage solutions to keep large amounts of data for daily use. The data have to be constantly accessible and the databases have to be flexibly changeable. Planning for emergencies, important databases have to be regularly backed-up, duplicated and stored in a safe place in case the computer ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
Telecommuting is a great benefit for many businesses, especially smaller businesses who are better able to attract high-quality employees by providing their workers with the option to telecommute. Even if telecommuting isn't part of your workforce, you may have mobile workers that use similar technologies to maintain their connection with your company. ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
As technologies advance, businesses are finding more and more ways to generate data and they're finding more and more ways to capture the data that used to get lost in the shuffle between technologies. In fact, there's not enough business data storage available, businesses face a new problem: Where do we put all ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
There is a direct correlation between security solutions and productivity. The Internet is used for a lot, including reducing the amount of paperwork that slides across a desk at any given time. However, paper is still being used for a lot as well, including invoicing and reporting. Much of this ... Read More
October 15, 2015Tommi
When is the last time you really looked at one of your business utility bills? At home, you probably monitor these pretty closely. A high water bill indicates a leaky faucet or a running toilet. A high electric bill can trigger a mad dash for more energy-efficient light bulbs. A high ... Read More
October 8, 2015Tommi